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Home aids and adaptations

Whether you need to adapt your home now or you're just thinking about the future, it’s good to know about the kinds of aids and adaptations that can help you live more safely and comfortably at home. 

What is the first step to getting home aids and adaptations?

The first step to getting lots of the adaptations and equipment spoken about on this page is to contact your local council to arrange a care needs assessment.

The assessment looks at the care services that would help meet your needs, including home adaptations or equipment that may help you in your day-to-day life.

Find out more about the care needs assessment

Getting into and out of my home

There are lots of changes you can make to help you with getting into and out of your home.

  • A hand rail or ramp could help if there are steps up to your front door.
  • Think about adding an outdoor light to help you make your way inside when it’s dark. You can position it so that when the light is triggered it won’t disturb your sleep or annoy your neighbours.

You can make adaptations throughout the home

Find out the many ways you can adapt your home for easier living.

View our infographic (2.7 MB)

Answering the door

If it’s difficult for you to get to the front door, think about installing a system that lets you speak to visitors and manage who you let in remotely. For example, you could get:

  • a door-entry intercom so that you can find out who’s there
  • an easy-to-fit wireless doorbell that comes with an entry phone that you can keep nearby
  • a video-entry phone so you can see who's at the door – some of these phones allow you to press a button to open the door from where you’re sitting
  • a police-approved key safe, where your door key is held in a secure box by the front door –  this is a good option if you want friends, relatives or carers to be able to let themselves in.

Many DIY shops and high-street retailers stock wireless doorbells and key safes. You could ask a family member, handyperson or Home Improvement Agency to fit them for you.

Find a Home Improvement Agency near you using their directory

Moving around my home

There are lots of changes you can make to your home to make it easier and safer for you to move around, including:  

  • making sure your home is well lit – you could think about installing motion-sensor lights that switch on automatically when you enter a room or get out of bed during the night
  • widening door frames or changing the direction your doors open to help you move through your home – this can be particularly helpful if you use a wheelchair
  • having raisers fitted if you find it difficult to get into bed or a chair. These make the bed or chair higher so that you're not bending down as far. 
  • getting powered riser-recliner chairs and specialist beds that raise you into a position where it's easier to stand, or lower you to sit or lie down.
  • using easy-reach grabbers to help you pick up items and a long-handled shoehorn to help you with putting on your shoes.
  • extending your home so that you can keep all your essential facilities, like the toilet or shower, on one floor, or if you just want more space. Make sure you talk to a qualified surveyor or architect about what may be possible – it's important to note that you'd have to pay for their time and services.

It's important to remember that if you rent your home or share access with other people, you may need permission from your landlord or your neighbours to make changes.

Getting up and down the stairs

An extra banister rail or a stairlift can make getting up and down the stairs easier. It may be possible to install a through-floor wheelchair lift, depending on the size and layout of your home.

Using the bathroom

Bathrooms are spaces that are used a lot, so it's important that they're safe and easy to use. You may find one or all of the following helpful: 

  • 'hands-free’ toilets have automatic washing and drying functions that operate while you’re seated
  • battery-powered bath lifts support your weight as you get in and out of the bath, while baths with a side opening mean you don’t have to climb over the side
  • or you may want to swap out your bath altogether – a ‘wet room’ style shower means you can walk straight in
  • if you're worried about overfilling the bath or sink, a special safety plug that only allows water to reach a certain level, or a flood detector that alerts a monitoring centre if the bath or sink starts to overflow, might be helpful
  • long-handled sponges or foot-cleaning bath mats can help you if you have limited mobility and can't bend down easily.

Using the kitchen

Like the bathroom, the kitchen is an important space that's used a lot, so it's vital that it's right for you.

What if I need help while cooking or making hot drinks?

You might find the following pieces of equipment helpful:

  • a perching stool which supports you in a near-standing position
  • a kettle tipper to help you tilt the kettle
  • a spike board which lets you cut or peel vegetables using only one hand.

What if I find picking up, opening or moving things in the kitchen difficult?

You might find the following pieces of equipment helpful:

  • wide-handled cutlery
  • high-rimmed plates and two-handled cups
  • assistive tin, bottle and jar openers
  • a sturdy trolley to support mobility and help you move food and drink from room to room.

What if I have problems with my vision?

If you have problems with your vision, wires, loose carpets, broken handrails or general clutter can be a hazard. If you need help with repairs or removing risks in your home, you may want to get in touch with a tradesperson service.

When looking for a tradesperson, it's important that you find someone you can trust – it will save you time, money and frustration later down the line.

Read more about how to find a tradesperson you can trust

You could also try putting coloured tape on the edges of stairs and other borders to make your home easier to navigate.

What if I have problems with my hearing?

You can keep in touch with people with a voice-based or text-based phone. You can also get a sounder beacon installed which flashes and makes loud signals when a phone (or any sensor) is activated.

If you have hearing problems, it's important to make sure you’re safe in case of an emergency. Wireless smoke alarms are connected by radio signals so that if one goes off then they all do, or you can get alarms that use vibrating pads to get your attention. 

Find out more about fire prevention and gas safety

What if I have problems with my memory?

There are lots of small changes you can make to help you more easily move around your home if you have problems with your memory, for example: 

  • stick post-it notes somewhere at eye level near the front door to remind you of anything important that you need to do when you're leaving the hoes, such as picking up your keys and locking the door
  • use an item locator so you can easily find things, like your keys or wallet – you attach small tags to your important items and, if you lose one of them, you press a button on the locator and the tag will beep and flash to help you find it
  • label cupboards and drawers in the kitchen so that you easily locate what you want, especially with everyday items like tea and sugar
  • stick a sign on the bathroom door, or just leave it open, so that the room can be seen and accessed easily.

How can I get help with the costs of home adaptations?

The first step to find out if you're eligible for financial help with home adaptations or equipment is to get a care needs assessment. Your local council will send a social care professional to come to see you to find out how you're managing everyday tasks and assess your needs. They'll then advise on what support you need, including equipment and home adaptations that would make things easier for you. If you're considered 'eligible', the council has a duty to help you.

Following your care needs assessment, if the council recommends minor adaptations to your home or specialist disability equipment, these will be provided and fitted free of charge.

Find out more about getting help with the costs of home adaptations

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We offer support through our free advice line on 0800 678 1602. Lines are open 8am-7pm, 365 days a year. We also have specialist advisers at over 120 local Age UKs.

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Last updated: Aug 20 2024

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