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Warm and Well

Energy advice

You probably already know quite a lot about staying warm in your home and how to cope with a Scottish winter, but there may be even more you can do to stay warm and to manage your energy bills.

Age Scotland’s Warm and Well guide explains about how to make your home energy efficient, manage your bills, keep your home warm, benefit the environment and stay as well as you can over winter.

Many aspects of energy efficiency are simply common sense, but it's worth checking that you know how to use your heating efficiently and make sure it is checked regularly.

It is important not to let your house be too cold; you should aim for a temperature of between 18 and 21C to reduce your risk of health problems.

Energy Advice Workshops

The benefits system is complicated. It can be difficult to work out what you are entitled to, and how to claim it. Find out more about joining one of our free Energy Advice Workshops here.

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